Image by: Hailey Moroney.
Get in touch if you'd like to work together! I have mad skills and experience in the following areas:
editing and proofreading
print and digital publishing
HTML coding
hybrid and multimedia work
conducting interviews
grant and panel assessments
sensitivity readings (for communities in which I have lived experience – lesbian/queer, disability/autism, mental ill health, etc.)
You can also contact me if you want an art print, or if you just want to say hi!
Note: I have autism with moderate support needs. My social communication and behaviour is noticeably atypical. I have many accommodations set up for myself, but please note that I may need additional support (such as a quiet space at a venue, or written instructions/agendas) if you engage me for work.
I take my commitments seriously, I work hard and I like to challenge myself — don’t hesitate to reach out just because I have a disability!